Add a Window for Your Hamster Wooden Cage

If you’re looking to make your hamster’s wooden cage more fun and interactive, adding a window is a cool idea. It lets you watch your little buddy in action and gives them something new to explore.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up an observation window in your hamster wooden cage; no fancy tools are required.

Stuff You’ll Need

Before we get started, make sure you’ve got these things ready:

Wooden cage

Plexiglass or acrylic sheet (pick a size you like)

Measuring tape


Ruler or anything straight

Saw (jigsaw or circular saw)


Screws and a screwdriver

Hinges (optional)

A latch or lock (optional)

How To Do It

Let us follow the steps to do it!

Pick your spot

First off, decide where you want your hamster’s window. Think about a place that’ll give you a clear view of your little friend’s world inside the cage.

Measure and mark

Measure the plexiglass or acrylic sheet and mark the same size on the wooden cage where you want the window. Use measuring tape, ruler, or anything straight to keep things neat.

Cut a hole

It’s time to cut an opening for your window. Grab a saw (a jigsaw or circular saw) and cut along the lines you marked. Take it easy and go slow to avoid rough edges or splinters.

Smooth it out

After cutting, use sandpaper to smooth the edges of the hole. This step is super important for your hamster’s safety. Rough edges can cause boo-boos.

Stick the plexiglass on

Put the plexiglass or acrylic sheet over the hole you made. If you want it to stay put, use screws to secure it to the wooden frame. Make sure you put the screws around the edges so they don’t block the view. Or, you can use hinges if you want the window to open and close like a little door. That’s handy for cleaning and saying hi to your hamster.

Lock it down (optional)

To make sure your hamster doesn’t accidentally open the window and go exploring on their own, think about adding a latch or lock. Safety first!

Give it a test spin

Before your hamster goes back in, double-check that everything’s smooth and secure. Make sure there are no sharp bits that could hurt your buddy. Test the window to make sure it opens and closes correctly.

Welcome Your Hamster Home

Once you’re sure the window is safe and your hamster is friendly, pop your little friend back into their cage. Watch how they react to their new window, and give them some time to get used to it.

Remember these things

Keep it safe

Safety’s the name of the game. Make sure there are no sharp edges, loose bits, or anything else that could harm your hamster.

Air it out

Even with a window, your hamster’s cage needs good airflow. Fresh air keeps your furball happy and healthy.

Cleaning time

Think about how you’ll clean the window and the area around it. If you use hinges, you can remove the plexiglass for a deep clean.

Fun interaction

Use the window to hang out with your hamster without bothering them. Don’t tap on the glass or make loud noises, though; you don’t want to stress them out.


Adding a window to your hamster’s wooden cage is a fun way to bond with your little buddy and give them something new to explore. By following these steps and making safety a priority, you can create an awesome viewing experience for both you and your hamster.



Natividad started her blog as a way to share her knowledge of business锛宻port锛宧ealth with the world. She wanted to help others learn about the creative process, and how they could use it to improve their lives. Jaejae is a firm believer in using creativity to make your life better, and she enjoys sharing her knowledge with others.

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