Melt chocolate using your meater probe

Melting chocolate can be a piece of cake, especially when you’ve got your meater probe in your hand.


Let’s break it down in simple steps:

Step 1: Get Your Stuff

Grab what you need:

Chocolate (the good stuff)

Microwave-safe bowl

Your trusty Meater Probe

Microwave or stove

A spoon or spatula

Step 2: Chocolate Prep

Chop up that chocolate into small bits. The smaller, the better. Dark, milk, or white—your call, but go for quality.

Step 3: The Microwave Move (Easiest Way)

Chuck the chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl.

Zap it on low or medium (around 50%) for about 20–30 seconds at a time.

Stir it up gently after each go.

Keep at it until it’s almost all melted. Slow and steady wins the race, so you won’t scorch it.

When it’s getting close, go for 10-15 second intervals. Stir after each blast.

Use your Meater Probe to hit the sweet spot; aim for 90°F to 115°F (32°C to 46°C).

Step 4: Stove-Top Style

Get a saucepan with an inch of water simmering.

Plop your chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Make sure it doesn’t swim in the water.

Stir it as it melts.

Keep tabs on your Meater Probe. When it hits 90°F to 115°F (32°C to 46°C), it’s time to call it.

Step 5: The Finish Line

As soon as your chocolate hits the right temperature, pull it off the heat; every degree counts.

Keep stirring until it’s super smooth and shiny.

Now it’s all set for whatever you’re cooking up—dip fruit, drizzle desserts, or coat candies. Enjoy the melt-in-your-mouth goodness!

Step 6: Clean up

Don’t forget to give your Meater Probe some TLC after its chocolate adventure. Wipe it down gently with a damp cloth to get rid of any chocolate residue.


With these easy-peasy steps and your Meater Probe by your side, you’ll nail that perfect chocolate melt every time. Happy melting and munching!



Natividad started her blog as a way to share her knowledge of business锛宻port锛宧ealth with the world. She wanted to help others learn about the creative process, and how they could use it to improve their lives. Jaejae is a firm believer in using creativity to make your life better, and she enjoys sharing her knowledge with others.

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